Tuesday, August 5, 2008



here is a link to an article about people that still believe that the earth is flat. They are called Flat earthers. Despite the Alaskan Mountains of evidence that the earth really is round they still are extremely set on their theory.

I am not here to say they are wrong for believing what they believe. I personally have used a GPS device and have taken enough physics classes, and seen Apollo 13 enough, and have been to the top of the World Trade Center(to see the curve in the earth), and have seen the top of the mast first when a ship is sailing toward me from the hozizon, and well you get the point.

Again, I am not here to disagree with their right to believe. I am here to swiftly comment on the obstanance that organizations give people. I know there are certain values and ethos that I adhere to because of the organizations that I belong to. I hope I am only persuaded to follow the influences of the Holy Ghost.