Dataopedia takes absolutly all info that can be gleaned about a sites IP addresss and aggregates it into one place.
In case you aren't interested in what the links do, or if you don't know what a link does, it shows all data possible about's IP address.
Click on the link and you will see that 5% of the users and 2.3% of the pageviews come from Indian IP addresses. That's Asia Minor India, not Native American Indian. If you look farther down the DPRK (North Korea) graps a good one and a half percent of the users and half a percent of the page views. That is clearly more than South Korea, because it is not even on the map.
My point is that India is third in educating students at the university level after the US and China. In 2006 almost 400,000 students were awarded technical degrees. The Indian Educational System is growing faster than anyother in the world.
You may say,"But those Indians aren't acutally applying to BYU, there are just a billion people over there snooping around on the net for an education in the US, they aren't actually going to apply and come to BYU".
Though I personally don't know any Indians at BYU, I am well connected to the Nepalese community. Nepal is the country to the north of India and also has an impressive educational system. The number of Nepalese attending BYU increases by almost 10% every year.
LDS Youth need to be aware that the competativeness at BYU increases every year. I would venture to say it increases at a faster rate than almost any other academic institution. When I graduated high school ('03) the average ACT score for incoming freshman was 24-26, currently the average ACT score for incoming freshman is 27-29.
LDS Youth need to be aware of these things or they will need to opt. for BYU-Idaho/Hawaii, for that "BYU experience."